Feb 12 Update

Wow, it's been 10 days since I last wrote one of these? I am shocked I haven't completely forgotten about it. Shocked!

Oh man, where to start. Uhh, I've made a few more hardcore kicks, including my latest one which I am particularly proud of. If I make enough of these things maybe I can compile them all and post 'em online in a pack or something. I also made a song incorporating said kick and a catchy melody that I'm rather proud of. It's far from a releasable state but it has some good ideas. Related to that, I've learned that simply picking up my keytar to fuck around can easily snowball into writing and recording actual music. Now, this might seem obvious, but the day I made that track I had almost forgone the keytar in lieu of watching TikToks or some shit. Thank the Lord I did not. I have many times regretted going on TikTok, most times in fact, but I have never regretted playing an instrument. Just some food for thought. Stares intensely at myself in my mind.

I've also started writing some fanfic. I was gonna say a first for me, but technically I did write some saucy RPF in freshman year of high school. If, for whatever reason, you're one of my high school friends and you're reading this: don't think too hard about it. Anyways, this is a far classier deal — a Fallout: Equestria fic. (FoE is actually what it sounds like.) Though, it would be more accurate to say it's a story set in the word of Fallout: Equestria, because FoE fics tend to have a certain tone (gritty) and follow certain conventions (the protag being a wastelander). My fic is about a griffon and a bunch of other chucklefucks being subject to torturous cold for the sake of a fucked-up reality TV show. It takes place half a century after the events of FoE and in an entirely different part of the continent, so I've done a lot of my own worldbuilding. I've only written a chapter and a half so far but I'm having a lot of fun with it and I think it shows promise. And to be honest, I'm pleasantly surprised that this is happening at all, given that it's a story I came up with when I was bored at work five months ago that I had expected to have forgotten about by now. My, I keep managing to impress myself!

On the topic of impressing myself, I've been waking up before 9am nearly every day for the last few weeks. Given the lack of structure in my life, this is a true accomplishment. In the past, I'd have been getting up at noon every day. So, like, wow. I'm so proud of this. I'm trying really fucking hard to climb my way out of this depressive hole I've been in and I keep sliding back down. Stuff like this feels like real progress — making good habits? A year ago I'd have said "that sounds like Alien Allie, you better shoot her!" Oh yeah, and this morning I actually did the three important things I said I was gonna do before slacking off! Last night I determined that I really needed to a) mail some tax-related documents to my Dad, b) email my SRS surgeon to schedule a consultation for revision surgery, and c) apply for a job at a board game cafe. ALL OF WHICH I ACTUALLY DID.

So, shit's crazy. I'mma go be creative or some shit. Peace.