March Post

Heh, it's the James Bond number!

Wow, I haven't posted for a month! Normally that'd mean I'd given this up, but no more! Gonna try to get back into the groove of this again.

So, I've been a complete fucking NEET lately. Elden Ring came out two weeks ago and I've already got over a hundred hours in it. I have a problem. On the bright side, I've made a list of super easy things to do each day with the intention of making them into habits. I have to do one pushup, wash one dish, put away one piece of clothing, eat one fruit or vegetable, write one song verse, et cetera. One pushup isn't much, but sometimes it turns into five or ten. The idea is that by, say, writing one line of my fanfiction each day regularly affords me the opportunity to write a lot more than that, but I'll rarely do big chunks of writing out of the blue. It's only been like a week and a half of this, but it's going pretty well so far, so thanks r/NoZeroDays. I've missed a few due to extraordinary circumstances, but I've otherwise been consistent and I'm not gonna let a few slip-ups stop me doing what I set out to do.

This has been a short post because I want to get back to Elden Ring, but I wanted to just get something out since it's been so long since my last one. Here's to my health and to my killing that bitch Malenia.