The Ur-Post

Tuesday afternoon. Orange County, New York. Mostly cloudy.

Hi, my name is Alison. At the moment, I am 21 years old. I live in New York (City), as I have for most of my life. I'm a huge nerd, a big ol' dweeb, a bit of a dork, even. You'll see soon enough, especially once I get on the topic of audio engineering.

I'm making this weblog because some dude on Reddit said it would be a good thing to show prospective employers. We'll see how well I keep up with it. If the stars align, maybe it'll even become a habit!

Anyway, this is where I'll talk about any work I do, be it music, 3D stuff, programming, Magic: The Gathering deck construction, whatever. There will be no set schedule; I'll post as post-worthy events come to me (or I come to them).

On the technical side of things, I'm formatting all this in html (as opposed to markup). We shall see if I come to regret that decision. (Not that I can't change my mind later on, but rrr! My consistency!) It's probably gonna look like ass, at least for the time being, because I'm pretty shit at html, lol. Oh look, I've dropped the formal tone already! Eh, it was gonna happen sooner or later. Might as well be now.

So, yeah. That's about it for now. Do I need to put line breaks after each paragraph? Who knows! Sure, I could just google it, but where's the fun in that? I'll find out once I hit that little green "Commit new file" button below. Good luck to me!
Edit: Nope, I sure don't!